Only $12 Per Person for 3 Games of Bowling
No League or Team to join -- bowl only when you want to!
Good way to stay in shape and get out of the house.
Runs every week from June to August
Prizes Awarded For Each Game:
Strike with a Red Headpin -- Win 75¢
Leave only the Head Pin standing after the first ball -- Win 50¢
Leave only the Red Pin standing after the first ball -- Win 50¢
Convert a Baby Split -- Win 25¢; Covert split with a Red Pin -- Win 75¢

Convert a Big Split -- Win 50¢ (with Red Pin, win $1.00)
Get a Turkey (3 consecutive strikes) -- Win 50¢

Do it in the 10th frame and get another 50¢
Get 4 spares in a row -- Win 25¢
Per Game Awards:
1st Game -- Leave only the 7-pin standing after the first ball -- Win 50¢
2nd Game -- Secret Strike & Hidden Score:
Prior to the start of the game, a mystery frame and a score (from 100
to 199) will be picked by the bowling center. Anyone getting a strike
in the designated frame will win 25¢. Anyone who matches their score
with the hidden score at the end of the game will win the Jackpot,
which starts at $5 and grows every week until someone wins.
3rd Game -- Get a strike in the 3rd, 6th, and/or 9th frames -- Win 25¢ each